Hotel TV System
Delight guests with a superior hotel TV system
Travelers increasingly expect the same kind of connectivity and entertainment options during their hotel stay that they enjoy at home. In addition to providing fast and easy access to hotel Internet services and hotel WiFi systems, hotels can impress guests with a hotel TV system that offers a superior HD viewing experience and lots of options for entertainment, news and sports.
Choosing the right hotel TV system provider is key. A hotel TV partner should not only provide a wide range of programming options, but highly reliable equipment and connections that can deliver on-demand video services and a superior viewing experience every time. That’s where Spectrum Enterprise can help.
A hotel TV system from Spectrum Enterprise
Spectrum Enterprise delivers fiber solutions for TV, Internet, voice and cloud to America’s largest businesses. As a leading provider of hospitality technology to hotels throughout the country, we offer hotel TV system options that can help hospitality businesses impress customers and reduce administrative and technical burden for hotel staff and hospitality IT teams.
Our hospitality TV services are delivered over a private and dedicated network connection to your premises that stretches through 41 states and 32 metropolitan areas. We provide a superior TV experience with the reliability and programming packages your viewers want, at a great value.
Two options for a hotel TV system
Our hotel TV system choices include options for distributed and centralized TV service.
- Distributed service provides set-top or set-back boxes that offer a home-like viewing experience, with thousands of free on-demand programs and the ability to pause live TV. This hotel TV system offers more than 200 HD channels and an interactive, customizable program guide.
- Centralized TV service delivers programming over fiber connections to TVs connected directly to a wall outlet. This hotel TV system eliminates the need for set boxes, providing a cleaner look and less equipment to maintain. Centralized TV provides more than 60 HD and SD channels and includes a scrolling, customizable program guide.
The right hotel TV system can help to create an exceptional guest experience. Learn more about a Spectrum Enterprise hotel TV system and find answers to questions like “What is a hospitality TV?"
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