Expanding your Ethernet network: 4 situations that call for action
As organizations grow, they need reliable connectivity that can keep up with changing network requirements. According to Rick Malone, principal of Vertical Systems Group, "During the past year there has been rising demand for secure, multi-gigabit Ethernet connectivity to data centers and other high traffic sites."1 With any network, robust performance requires that IT decision makers proactively enhance service to counter digital demands.
In this executive brief, we explore four potential situations that call for a modernized Ethernet solution.
- "2020 U.S. Carrier Ethernet LEADERBOARD," Vertical Systems Group, February 24, 2021, [2020 U.S. Carrier Ethernet LEADERBOARD | Vertical Systems Group|https://www.verticalsystems.com/2021/02/24/ye2020-us-ethernet-leaderboard/]
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