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How do fiber-optic cables transmit data?

  • Fiber-optic cables transmit data via pulses of light.
  • Optical fibers are very thin strands of glass or plastic less than 1/10 the thickness of a human hair.
  • Another layer of glass, called “cladding,” is wrapped around the central fiber and causes light to repeatedly bounce off the walls of the cable rather than leak out at the edges, so signals travel farther without attenuation.

Fiber-optic technology is now easily available to businesses in cities and states throughout the country, making Internet access via fiber-optic cables a powerful alternative to satellite and copper connections. When considering fiber Internet, the first question most people ask is “How do fiber-optic cables transmit data differently than other Internet alternatives?”

Here’s a brief introduction to the subject “How do fiber-optic cables transmit data?” and an explanation of the benefits of fiber-optic cables over copper and satellite connections.

How do fiber-optic cables transmit data?

Fiber-optic cables are comprised of dozens or hundreds of optical fibers – very thin strands of glass or plastic that are less than 1/10 of the thickness of a human hair. Fiber-optic cables transmit data via fast-traveling pulses of light. Another layer of glass, called “cladding,” is wrapped around the central fiber and causes light to repeatedly bounce off the walls of the cable rather than leak out at the edges, enabling the single to go farther without attenuation.

How do fiber-optic cables transmit data so quickly?

Because fiber optics uses light rather than electrical signals to transmit data, fiber-optic cable speed is incredibly fast ― close to the speed of light.

How do fiber-optic cables transmit data with greater bandwidth?

Fiber-optic cables have a broader range of frequencies over which data can travel without loss of quality than do copper wire or satellite connections. This enables fiber Internet solutions to offer significantly higher bandwidth capacity than the alternatives.

How do fiber-optic cables transmit data more effectively than copper or satellite?

Offering higher speed and bandwidth than copper or satellite connections, fiber-optic cables enable businesses to download and upload data more quickly.

How do fiber-optic cables transmit data with greater reliability?

Because fiber-optic cables use light rather than electrical signals, fiber connections are far less likely to be affected by power outages and/or electromagnetic interference. Fiber-optic cables are also much stronger than copper wire, making them more impervious to weather, fire and other hazards.

How do fiber-optic cables transmit data with higher security?

Hacking fiber-optic cables is much harder and more costly than intercepting signals on copper or satellite connections, making fiber Internet access much more secure.

Fiber-optic Internet from Spectrum Enterprise

Spectrum Enterprise provides fiber Internet access and other fiber services to America’s largest enterprises. Our fiber-optic network includes thousands of route miles and fiber-lit buildings throughout the country, and it provides bandwidth that can scale from 25 Mbps to 100 Gbps to meet business needs.


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