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What is business WiFi?

  • Business WiFi is a wireless network within a business property that enables users to access WiFi connections on laptops, smart phones, tablets and other devices.
  • A business WiFi network may be a secure, private network available only to employees, a public network available to anyone needing WiFi access, or a combination of both.

As the number of users accessing the Internet over mobile devices continues to rise, WiFi networks have become a critical part of IT infrastructure for businesses everywhere. But what is business WiFi, exactly, and what advantages does it offer the enterprise? Here’s a short download on “What is business WiFi?” that provides some answers.

What is business WiFi?

Business WiFi is an enterprise-grade wireless network that can provide WiFi connectivity throughout a business location to employees, guests and/or customers.

What is business WiFi’s advantage for the enterprise?

A superior business WiFi network provides significant benefits that include:

  • Greater mobility, enabling workers to access the Internet anywhere within a business location, rather than being confined to their desks.
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) enablement, allowing employees, guests and visitors to use their own devices to access the Internet.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, making it easier to connect IoT devices to the network.
  • Cost-savings, thanks to the elimination of hardwired network connections to every desk or workspace throughout the business.

What is business WiFi’s greatest for IT teams?

Wireless technology continues to evolve quickly. Making seamless WiFi access available everywhere and all the time for a growing number of users and devices can be enormously difficult for IT teams that are already stretched thin with competing priorities.

What is business WiFi security?

Business WiFi security is an area of intense concern for organizations. By its very nature, business WiFi is more accessible to malicious individuals. And the odds of a security breach increase as more users access business WiFi networks with their personal devices.

What is a business WiFi hotspot?

A business WiFi hotspot is a dedicated and open WiFi network that is available to guests and customers visiting a business location. A hotspot is separate from an internal, secure WiFi network that is reserved for use by credentialed employees.

What is business WiFi managed services?

Business WiFi managed services enable organizations to outsource the design, implementation, management and support of a business WiFi network to a third-party. WiFi managed services can help to improve network performance and availability, while increasing security and reducing costs.

What is business WiFi from Spectrum Enterprise?

Spectrum Enterprise provides secure and fully managed WiFi services. A team of Spectrum Enterprise experts manages the design, installation, service and support at a low monthly price that lets businesses avoid a large capital investment. With managed WiFi services from Spectrum Enterprise, organizations can ensure seamless WiFi access throughout a property while alleviating IT teams from the need to manage a complex and quickly evolving technology.


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